Imgen’s safe and or environmentally friendly alternatives:
UltraStrong DNA Stain: A new non-toxic fluorescent dye for agarose and PAGE gels.
- UltraStrong DNA is designed to replace the highly toxic ethidium bromide (EtBr).
Using Coomassie Blue Stain for protein gels? – use Protoblue Safe
- More Sensitive – Detects as little as 5ng protein
- ProtoBlue Safe is less prone to high background caused by trace residual SDS in the gel.
- Costs Less than Regular Coomassie
- Nonhazardous Disposal
Used stain solution is not a hazardous waste (as defined by United States Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR 261.24(a)).
- Fast Protocol – No Methanol or Acetic Acid
Using Xylene for clearing histology samples? use HistoClear :
The use of Histo-Clear in the laboratory means no longer having to breathe xylene when preparing histological sections. Distilled from oranges, carefully purified, and stabilized, Histo-Clear is one of the safest clearing agents available.
Histo-Clear not only improves safety but also results. Histo-Clear leaves tissue less hard and brittle than xylene, facilitating the cutting of thin sections and prolonging microtome blade life. Nuclear morphology is rendered in fine detail. Histo-Clear enhances the clarity and vibrance of acidophilic stains and improves staining of Harris™ Hematoxylin with a brighter Eosin background. Histo-Clear can directly substitute for xylene and yields excellent results in automated tissue processing.
Catalog Number: HS-200 |
Using Scintillation Cocktails for Radioactivity? use Ecoscint:
Cleaning up and testing for Radioactivity? use Nuclean and Nuc-Wipes:
Nuclean is a concentrated, economical and highly efficient solution for safe and fast removal of radioactivity from laboratory glassware, equipment and laboratory surfaces. It is also a superior general laboratory cleaner and degreaser.
In normal use, Nuclean is diluted 1:50 with water, and the glassware allowed to soak overnight and rinsed clean with distilled water. Faster decontamination is effected by increasing the concentration to 1:20 and elevating the temperature. Agitation will greatly accelerate the process. For surface decontamination, such as lab benches and tops, Nuclean should be used undiluted.
Nuclean is biodegradable and mild to the skin when diluted 1:50. Nuclean is not only more effective than chromic acid but is safer to use as well. Quart containers are supplied with a spray-head.
Catalog Number: NC-200
Nuc-Wipes are dissolvable pads which assure superior environmental wipe tests. Nuc-Wipes are completely soluble in any scintillation solution, and because Nuc-Wipes dissolve completely, no emitted beta ray can be hindered or absorbed by an undissolved portion of the wipe. Nuc-Wipes allow full 4π counting efficiencies, thereby eliminating the possibility of lost counts due to absorption of beta rays by the filter itself.
Using intact filters for environmental wipe tests can give inaccurate, erratic results. Beta rays originating from particles on intact filters are attenuated and absorbed by the filter. Furthermore, depending on the relative affinity of the material for the solution, as material leaves the filter for the solution, counts change over time.
Nuc-Wipes eliminate the dependence of results on the direction of the filter paper and time. Because Nuc- Wipes dissolve in scintillation fluid, there is no intact filter to absorb or attenuate beta emissions. 4π counting efficiency is achieved, giving reproducible results.
Catalog Number: NW-300 |